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Tips on Wine Etiquette

Written by
Alex Fedorenko
русский язык
Ваше здоровье! Alex Shares with us her tips on wine etiquette. (Russian w/ English Subtitles)

A shoutout to all wine lovers in Russia! Have you ever wondered the best way to hold a glass or how quickly you should drink? In the video above Alex shares her simple tips on ‘Wine Etiquette’ for those wondering how best to be seen with a wine glass in hand!

Alex’s Wine Etiquette tips:

  1. Open the bottle discretely – take care if you’re enjoying a bottle of Shampanskoye! Sparkling wines are bottled under high pressure and can injure your guests. If you can’t be bothered with a wine under cork or don’t have the tools, purchase a wine with a screwcap. We promise it’s just as delicious!
  2. Hold the glass by the stem – Stems are built into wine glasses for a functional reason, both to stop fingerprints from getting all over the glass but also to stop body heat from warming up the wine.
  3. Pour guests first! More a rule of general politeness than etiquette specific to wine. Make sure you have enough wine to go round, that way you’ll finally get a full glass too. Pour everybody an equal amount.
  4. Glasses one third full – A serving of wine is approximately 150mls. Glasses shouldn’t be poured to the top because it means that you won’t be able to enjoy the fruity aroma. The role of the other two thirds of the glass is to capture the wines beautiful perfume. It’s also less worrying for carpets.
  5. Look at guests while toasting – all across Europe this is a very important rule, wine is a drink to be shared and company should be acknowledged.
  6. Perfume and Lipstick – Be careful not to over-do it at a formal wine tasting, heavy perfumes will distract from a tasting experience and may disturb others. Lipstick can get messy around a glass rim so try to take small sips from the same part of the glass.
  7. Sip and Savour – Don’t Rush! Wine is a product that is to be enjoyed slowly over time. Don’t drink it all at once, take your time to smell, taste and enjoy!

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