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A secret crayfish party in the Scandinavian woods!

Written by
Gerard Higgins
Wine Dinner
Crayfish and Stoneleigh Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc. A perfect pairing.

Once a fancy, high class event, the Swedish crayfish party is today an occasion for all. Over the years, certain aspects of it have become tradition.

Crayfish are to be eaten outdoors, and bright coloured paper lanterns or lights should be hung around the tables. The most popular type of lantern shows a smiling full moon. People traditionally wear bibs round their necks and comic paper hats on their heads.

Crayfish are eaten cold, with fingers and sucking noisily to extract the juices is perfectly acceptable behaviour. Bread and a strong cheese such as mature Swedish Västerbotten are eaten on the side. People mostly drink schnapps, but dry white wine such as Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is becoming more common.

Silly drinking songs are usually sung late into the night. One of the more famous songs is called ‘Helan Går’ or ‘the whole’ and the lyrics talk about drinking a nip of schnapps.

Helan går
Sjung hopp faderallan lallan lej
Helan går
Sjung hopp faderallan lej
Och den som inte helan tar*
Han heller inte halvan får
Helan går
Sjung hopp faderallan lej


Here’s the first
Sing “hup fol-de-rol la la la la”
Here’s the first
Sing “hup fol-de-rol la la”
He who doesn’t drink the first
Shall never, ever quench his thirst
Here’s the first
Sing “hup fol-de-rol la la”

So here’s skål to Crayfish party season!